(It is) the Fire of (the Wrath of) Allah kindled (to a blaze)
˹It is˺ Allah’s kindled Fire,
It is the kindled Fire of God
It is a Fire kindled by God
It is the fire kindled by Allah
It is the fire of God, that which is kindled eternally,
[It is] God´s kindled fire
The fire kindled by Allah.
The Fire of God, ignited
It is the kindled fire of God.
God's kindled Fire
(It is the) Fire of Allah, kindled
It is the fire kindled to a blaze by Allah Himself
(It is) the Fire of Allah kindled
It is a fierce fire created by Go
It is Allah‘s kindled fir
A Fire kindled by Allah
(It is) the fire of Allah, kindled ablaze
(It is) the Fire of Allah lighted up (to a flame)
It is the fire of Allah , [eternally] fueled
The kindled Fire of God.
It is God’s Fire, made to blaze
Fire of Allah, Kindled
It is the fire kindled by Go
The kindled Fire of Allah
It is God’s fire, set ablaze
[It is] the fire of Allah, set ablaze
The Fire by Allah kindled
(It is the) blazing fire of God
It is the fire of God kindled to a blaze
Allah’s blazing Fire,
It is the Fire kindled by Allah
The kindled Fire of God.
It is the Fire kindled by Allah
Allah's fire that is blazing.
GOD's blazing Hellfire
(It is) the kindled Fire of Allah
It is the Fire kindled by Allah
God's fire, the ignited/kindled
It is a Fire prepared by All Mighty Himself
The fire of Allah, that is ablaze
It is ALLAH's kindled fire
(It) is a Fire kindled by Allah
(It is) the Fire set ablaze by Allah
The fire of Allah, kindled
The Fire of God kindle
It is the kindled fire of God
the fire of God kindled
It is God's kindled fire
It is God‘s own kindled fire
The fire of all in full blaze
It is the kindled Fire of of Allâh,
Allah´s lit fire,
Allah's kindled Fire
It is the fire kindled by Allah.
[It is] Allah (God)'s kindled fire which leaps up
Allah's kindled Fire.
It is Allah's own kindled fire,
It is the fire of God alight,
It is the inflamed fire of Allah (ignited in the mind, deriving from his nature)!
"It is the fire of Allah, kindled,"
It is the infernal pit of Hell fire ordained by Alla
(It is the) fire of Allah, kindled,
The kindled fire of God
(It is) the Fire of (the Wrath of) God kindled (to a blaze)
A Fire Allah kindled
Naru Allahi almooqadatu
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